Monday, November 24, 2008

It Was Twenty Years Ago Today...

..that saw the birth of the incredible, awesome, Mystery Science Theater 3000.

I came late to the party, but through the magic of reruns and later, the beauty of YouTube have been able to catch many of the complete episodes. The show is still as funny as ever, and even when you know the lines that are coming it's hard not to laugh.

The good news, other than the availability of virtually the entire catalog on YouTube, isn that the main participants are still actively displaying their riffing prowess with two current projects:

RiffTrax - Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett put together downloadable audio of riffs to current and recent films for your enjoyment. The advantage is obvious (no rights fees to pay, plus the ability to be relatively current) and the results are wonderful.

Cinematic Titanic - Headed by MST3K creator Joel Hodgson, this is more like the original show, as Joel, plus Frank Coniff, Trace Beaulieu, Mary Jo Pehl and J. Elvis Weinstien frame more awesomely bad B-movie schlock with witty banter. You can either download the video, or buy it on DVD direct form their site.

Both projects are well worth checking out, as well as perusing the back catalog. Long may they riff.

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